7 Glimmers Bringing Me Joy and Hope

I thought I’d try something new today and share some glimmers from my last week. Don’t worry if you don’t know what a glimmer is, just keep reading.
The truth is, I didn’t know what else to write about. I started and stopped and restarted this essay about a dozen times. I had a topic in mind and tried really hard to write about it. But sometimes my life doesn’t correlate perfectly with my editorial calendar. This is one of those times.
It’s been an eventful few weeks. Lots of transitions and all the accompanying emotions . . . uncertainty, self-doubt, discomfort, sadness. Even the best transitions are difficult to navigate.
Add to that a conentious election cycle (aren’t they all?), some super sad local news, and downright unsettling events, and I’ve got a lot of jumbled thoughts swirling through my mind. None of them are remotely related to fashion (what I planned to write about). And right now, it’s a mishmash of competing anxieties. Even if I wanted to write in depth about one of these things, I’m not ready. I need to sit with them a bit longer.
Here’s a glimpse of some of the things keeping my mind spinning this past week. . .
- The new metal detactors at my son’s high school. (Why are they only at one entrance? Why haven’t parents been informed about the metal detectors? What happens is a child sets one off innocently/accidentally? How does passing through a metal detector affect learning? Why must public high school be so much like prison?)
- How do we keep kids safe at sporting events? At the first football game of the season there were multiple fights, injuries, and even potential weapons (guess there were no metal detectors there), Was I wrong to let my son go support his team? How can we protect them from the craziness in the world?
- The importance of protecting free speech even if, especially if, the speech is vile. And the equal importance of protecting public safety and making sure that all member of a community can undertake their daily activities without being threatened, injured, or worse. How do we strike this balance in 2024?
- The fragility of life and how quickly people we love can be lost. Too many sad lossesin our community this week alone.
- How very hard it is to be a teenager today and how very hard it is to parent one. And when did everyone become a parenting expert?
All of that is enough to make my head spin. And while I will likley write on one or more of these topics in the future, I haven’t done the necessary reseach or reflection to undertake that essay yet.
So instead, of trying to make sense of all this chaos, I’m going to focus on some “glimmers” from this past week.
I recently saw a post on Instagram from Susan Cain, author of the best-selling book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking (iI higly recommend it if you haven’t read it).

This was not the first time I was introduced to the concept of glimmers. But it is the first time I really thought about them. And I love this idea!
I’ve tried and failed more times than I can count to create a gratitutde practice. It always felt too performative to me. Like I am showing off or bragging about how swoon-worthy my life is. Ick.
I recognize the value in appreciating the good things, of course. However, I think it’s equally important to sit with pain and acknolwedge that not all of life is happy. Overstressing gratitude seems like just another way to dismiss and minimize peoples’ very real neagtive emotions. It walks way to close to the line of toxic positivity for me. (Perhaps that in itself is a reason I need a gratitude journal?)
But there’s something about the idea of noticing glimmers that seems more innocent, more pure, more natural. And a heck of a lot easier. Beauty is all around us. Even when you are having the worst day, it’s not hard to notice something good.
So, without further ado here are my Top 7 Glimmers for the week:
- Coffee dates with my youngest son. Historically, this is an activity we both would have done with my daughter. Me in the morning or on weekends and the two of them after school. With her in SC, we’ve now started a mother-son tradfition and I’m here for it.
2. My overflowing planters and full flower beds. I know most of these flowers are past their prime, but it gives me immesne joy to see how well these plants did this summer. Shout out to my favorite garden center Cottage Gardens.

3. This sweet puppy (she’s 2, but she’ll always be my puppy) who has been extra snuggly this last week. Maybe she knew I needed lots of cuddles.

4. Observing the deer in our neighborhood. I see this girl on my run almost every morning. I love our quiet moments.

5. Connecting with mom friends. It was wonderful to get together with other college-drop-off moms this week. We got to know each other very well over the last six years or so. It’s nice to keep up our friendship even though the girls are now away. And, my daughter’s genuine joy and excitement for this moms’ night out. She called me when I got home and said, “You didn’t tell me tonight was your mom dinner.” I reminded her I had told her and she sighed and said, “Yeah. But you didn’t metion it ealier. I thought you’d let me know you were getting ready.” I love how excited she was for me.

6. My kids realtionships with each other. On their [very long] drive home from Long Island to Florida my son and his girlfriend took a detour to visit Kelly at UofSC. I love how much these kids support each other.

7. And speaking of my oldest son . . . We just made his final tuition payment!! One down, two to go.
Oh, and here’s a bonus glimmer . . .
One of my favorite dinners: Creamy Tomato Farro. If you’ve never had farro before, you’ve got to try it!

Okay, that’s all for today. Do you look for glimmers in your day? I’d love to know!
Off we go!