Easy to Find Nut Free Valentine Candy That Your Valentine Will Love

It’s February 1st! And love is in the air. Or is that chocolate? Either way, this post has got you covered. Today I’m sharing 5 kinds of easy to find nut free Valentine Candy that your Valentine will love.
All of these nut free Valentine candy items can be found at most major grocery stores, big box stores, and large pharmacies. These varieties are easy to find and affordable.
There’s a mix of chocolate and non-chocolate goodies, although my suggestions learn heavily toward the chocolate variety because if it isn’t chocolate I’m not interested.. But, my son, the one with the allergies, lives a good gummy candy. Probably because it’s always been easier to find safe options of dummies. So I’ve included a few of his favorites too.
Feel free to select one candy from this list, or go ahead and put together a little nut free Valentine Candy gift basket. Your Valentine is sure to love it.
A quick disclaimer . . . at the time I purchased these items (January 2023) in my local stores all of the nut free Valentine candy featured here was free from peanuts, tree nuts, coconut, and any cross-contimination. But, manufacturing process change and companies have more than one plant, so please be sure to read the full ingredient list every time before you purchase or consumer any products.
And, fyi, this is not a sponsored post. These are items that my family loves and I know it can be tricky to find nut free treats at the grocery store so I’m just sharing our favorites to make your life easier. Links to nut free Valentine candy are provided for convenience only.
Cella’s Chocolate Covered Cherries

The first nut free Valentine Candy I’m going to recommend are Cella’s cherries. Chocolate covered cherries just scream Valentine’s Day to me. As a girl, I remember my mom always bought my Dad a heart-shaped box of chocolate covered cherries each Valentine’s Day. And so the tradition has stuck.
All of my kiddos, including my son with peanut and tree nut allergies love chocolate covered cherries. Many moons ago, my mom got him safe chocolate covered cherries from a local candy-store. All the candies were homemade and mom knew the owner. So she created a whole special process to make him Easter molds and chocolate covered cherries.
We cried buckets the day that store closed.
Luckily, we found Cella’s. These chocolate covered cherries come in both milk and dark varieties. I prefer dark, my youngest son likes milk, and my oldest likes them all. Pick up a box of Cella’s chocolate covered cherries for a special nut free Valentine treat.
Be aware, there is another brand of commercially available cherries in a similar box. I often see them in Walmart, but they are not safe. So make sure you buy Cella’s.
Valentine Junior Mints

I was super excited when I saw these cute heart shaped Junior Mints!
Junior Mints are another family favorite. I’ve always been partial to peppermint and Junior Mints have always been my go-to movie theater snack.
If you can’t find the heart shaped ones, just pick up a box or two of regular junior mints and put a red bow on it. Easy peasy.
Speaking of peppermint . . . I didn’t buy any for this post, but York Peppermint Patties are also safe and would make a great nut Valentine candy too. I didn’t see the heart-shaped ones in my store this year and I think I still have Easter eggs in the pantry (only because I forgot to stuff the eggs with them). But you should check those out too.
Dots, Sour Patch Kids & Swedish Fish

Do you have a gummy lover in your life? Or maybe someone allergic to dairy or chocolate?
Any of these go-to dummies are great nut free options for Valentine’s Day. My son especially loves Dots, and I love that they are Valentine themed. The Sour Patch Kids are also a special version which makes them the perfect nut free Valentine candy for someone who like a little sour with their sweet.
And you can’t go wrong with the undeniable taste of Swedish Fish. I’d pick a few of these gummy goodies and tie them together with a big red ribbon. Or, more realistically, put them in a Valentine gift bag.
Hershey’s Chocolate Covered Marshmallow Hearts

I was so excited when I found this nut free Valentine candy in the grocery store. I’m not even sure why I read the label because usually this kind of filled chocolate treats are not safe. But for some reason I picked up the package and saw these Hershey chocolate covered marshmallow hearts are a safe treat!
Hershey’s is a tricky company. A lot of their products are safe, like plain Hershey Kisses and random varieties, large Hershey bars (but not small ones), holiday shaped chocolates (sometimes), and chocolate chips. But other things you’d expect to be safe aren’t.
Luckily, for any marshmallow lovers out there, these Valentines candies fall into the safe variety. It’s a milk chocolate shell surrounding a creamy marshmallow middle.
In the interesting of full disclosure, I tried to be careful transporting these candies, but when I opened the package the heart was kind of crushed (that’s why I didn’t use that photo). The chocolate was meh–but that’s pretty much how I always feel about Hershey’s milk chocolate. But the marshmallow was really yummy! I’m excited to surprise my son with these marshmallow hearts this year.
Oh, and I almost forgot to mention, these hearts are HUGE!
Dove Chocolate Hearts

Last but certainly not least we have Dove hearts. These just might the perfect nut free Valentine candy. The chocolate is rich and creamy. And decadent. And it just feels a little bit fancier that a kiss.
They come in a variety of flavors-again they are not all safe. But the milk and dark varieties that I am featuring are both peanut and tree nut free.
The foils are pretty and festive and would make a sweet little gift for your Valentine.
I hope that gives you some new ideas for easy nut free Valentine candy you can find at your local grocery store. No reason to let a nut allergy put a damper on the love this year!

Happy Eating!

Of course, if yo’d rather bake for your sweetie, you can try these chocolate cut out cookies or my best ever brownies.